
Onboarding Paris office

Welcome to your onboarding Path :)
You will have:
- An introduction to Expensya: the product & the ecosystem
- A presentation of our values
- A presentation of the key HR infos & tools
- A presentation of the Expenses policy and The Work from Home policy
  • Welcome (video)
  • A welcome message
  • company presentation
  • Expensya - An automated Spend Management solution
  • A little quizz
  • our values
  • Our Values
  • our Org chart
  • Organisational chart - January 2023
  • Introduction to spend management
  • An Introduction to Payment
  • The Working Hours
  • The working hours
  • Your Key contacts
  • Your key contacts in your onboarding path
  • Clean Desk Policy
  • Clean Desk Policy - Paris office.pdf
  • The Key HR infos & tools
  • The Key HR infos & tools
  • Assessment Process
  • Internal Regulations
  • Internal regulation ( Règlement Interieur)
  • The Expenses policy
  • Spending Policy - Intro
  • Spending Policy
  • Gymlib
  • Let's get FIT & ZEN - Gymlib partnership
  • User guide.pdf
  • Relatives Sponsorship
  • The Work From Home Policy
  • Work from home policy
  • Right to Disconnect Charter
  • Disconnection_Charter_-_EN_-_092023 (1).pdf
  • Our communication tools
  • How to use our Communication Tools
  • How to use Outlook - Best practices
  • Take Your Mentor to Lunch
  • User Guide - Take your mentor to lunch.pdf
  • The Incident reporting Process
  • Incident Reporting process - Intro
  • Incident Reporting process - Training
  • Your Expensya Account
  • Expensya account - Process Support.pptx
  • Interactive Product Demo
  • Interactive product demo
  • Interactive product demo
  • Discover Expensya's departments through the LiveMylife presentations
  • Discover - Organisation Development department
  • Discover - Finance department
  • Discover - Service delivery department
  • Discover - R&D department
  • Discover - Product department
  • Discover - IS&IT department
  • Discover - Sales & Marketing departement
  • Cybersecurity mandatory training - to complete
  • Cybersecurity training
  • Your Feedback on your onboarding - to complete
  • Discovery report - to complete
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever